So continued to work on coins when I had a chance this evening, and decided to see how much of the Australian coins I could get through tonight, which is they are modeled (would of like to have modeled the ridge/rim of the coins but trying to stick to the 80 poly limit given) and about half unwrapped, here is the current progress (I added some materials so they're a little clearer):
Not sure exactly what we will be working on in class tomorrow, so I'll probably work on these more later in the week.
Continuing with the Ctrl+Paint Series I went through the sketching with line section, and for homework I decided on a 10 minute animal drawing from
and here is what I ended up with:
Certainly ran out of time in the end to complete it, but will continue this exercise over the next few days as time permits. What I have learnt from this so far is that it certainly would be good to up the resolution for the final black line as the brush was getting too small, and that the final line will take longer than the time limit would allow. Either shortening the time and just concentrating on the gestural line work for the time period or keeping it about ten minutes and use the full time on the gestural and first refinement pass, then work the final line pass without a time limit.
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