Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Major Assignment Catchup

So its been a few weeks since updating here, the reason for the lax in updating has been that I got a bit stuck in creating castle ruin assets for the project.  Many of the approaches I was trying just didn't seem to be working and I was feeling down in relation to what I was producing.  In the end it came down to a matter of perspective, I was trying to do the whole at once rather than breaking it down into smaller segments that would build up the whole.  Once my perspective was changed I was finally able to get work on the assets done in earnest.

These are still very much work in progress, and the current textures are just placeholders for presentation purposes, although I will be using it as a guide in creating the final textures.  I also still need to bevel and refine a number of the assets to improve their appearance.

Here are the render close ups:

Norman Style Bailey, based of the one in the town of Castle Acre in Norfolk, England
The rest of the ruin sections are based off several different castles throughout England: