Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 18 & 19 Lighting Assets

So this week I've been working on one of the items that will be providing some of the lighting for the level, Glowsticks:

And here is more of the final renders:
And the Diffuse, Normal and Glow maps

Since finishing that up this morning I've been Continuing to work on the power generation assets, I did some zbrush sculpting on the steam generator on the weekend, but wasn't too happy with the end result:

I refined it today, but decided that it wasn't working for me so I've started again, looking to do more subtle details.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 17 Debris Polishing and Tweaking

Yesterday I worked on finishing off my textures for the debris and then tweaking and rebaking the normals as the first bake had some streaking due to hard edges that should of been softened before the bake.  Somewhere in the process I lost the metal sheet asset, and had saved over that version of the file (need to do more incremental saves!) luckily I had exported them so it will be easy enough to recover that asset.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 16 Texturing

With yesterday off due to Canberra Day, and after spending the morning trying to get my wacom to work, I steamed ahead with the texturing of the debris asset set today and here is where it is at:

and here is a better look at the texture sheet:

Still some work to be done, and some normals to redo, but I'm quite pleased with how they are looking so far

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Morning Speed Paint

Testing out the new wacom tablet, its sort of weird having a larger surface area to work with :)

Day 14 & 15 Retopo and unwrapping

Not really much to show for these two days, as I've mainly been trying to get familar with the high poly - low poly bake work flow, and for this I was using the bolt:
The low poly version still has too many polys for what it is, but I wanted to get more familar with quad draw, so I did more than was necessary as I'm going to be going back and redoing this.

On Wednesday, I spent a little time thinking about how I was going to texture the pieces, and then moved onto uv unwrapping each model.  Which I'm aiming to complete by the end of today.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 13 Debris Asset Zbrushing

So today I imported my base mesh assets for the debris into Zbrush and worked at adding damage and wear to the models, I'm pretty happy with the results so far, but after looking at them again there are a few things I'll need to work on tomorrow.

I've done a new background to use for these item renders, and I'd love to hear what people think of it, so feel free to leave a comment! :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Following a tutorial in zbrush, ended up losing a lot of detail through accidentally pressing a shortcut, but here's what I ended with:

25 1 Minute Still lifes

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rocket Launcher

and here it is:

Asset Modeling

So I've been hard at work modeling the assets for the scene and I think I now have all the components modeled from which I will build the full models from.

Here are the Base models for the debris, The plan is to bend, break and warp these models into debris but I haven't really decided on the way I'm going to do this at this stage:

And here is the progression for the Power generation:
Steam Boiler:

Steam Turbine:

And the Capacitor Bank:

I've also (as practice) been drawing a Rocket Launcher from Borderlands 2 and I'm thinking of drawing more assets from that game, but I'll put that up in a separate post.