Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Monster a day challenge - Completed

Around mid September I did an ImagineFX tutorial of a one hour monster, and this inspired me to set myself the challenge of completing a number of monster designs each day, based of this chart I created:

Monster a day, 1 hour challenge:
September 14 - Mammal Biped

September 15 - Mammal octapedSeptember 16 - Microsopic Deep sea Biped + Multiple arms/wingsSeptember 17 - Mammal Arachnid Quadriped + 2 arms/wingsSeptember 18 - Space Insect Quadriped+ 4 arms/wingsSeptember 19 - Mammal Space Quadriped + arms/wingsSeptember 20 - Arachnid Insect Biped + Multiple arms/wingsSeptember 21 - Space Mythological Quad + 4 arms/wingsSeptember 22 - Mythological Microsopic Quad + 4 arms/wingsSeptember 23 - Insect DeepSea BipedSeptember 24 - Insect BipedSeptember 25 - DeepSea Space OctapedSeptember 26 - Mythological Quad + 2 arms/wingsSeptember 27 - Arachnid Space Biped + Multiple arms/wingsSeptember 28 - Microsopic Mythological Quad + 2 arms/wingsSeptember 29 - Deepsea Mammal Biped + Multiple arms/wingsSeptember 30 - Arachnid Mammal Biped + Multiple arms/wings

September 15 - Mammal octaped
September 17 - Mammal Arachnid Quadriped + 2 arms/wings:
September 19 - Mammal Space Quadriped + arms/wings:
September 20 - Arachnid Insect Biped + Multiple arms/wings:

I started out doing the whole process but by about the third day I realised I wasn't happy with the thumbnails I was doing and how it effected the end product, so I cut it back and concentrated on the silhouettes rather than completing it to a colour illustration. here is the results:

September 14 - Mammal Biped:



September 16 - Microsopic Deep sea Biped + Multiple arms/wings:

September 17 - Mammal Arachnid Quadriped + 2 arms/wings

September 18 - Space Insect Quadriped+ 4 arms/wings:

September 19 - Mammal Space Quadriped + arms/wings:

September 20 - Arachnid Insect Biped + Multiple arms/wings:
September 21 - Space Mythological Quad + 4 arms/wings:
September 22 - Mythological Microsopic Quad + 4 arms/wings:
September 23 - Insect DeepSea Biped:

September 24 - Insect Biped:

September 25 - DeepSea Space Octaped:

September 26 - Mythological Quad + 2 arms/wings:

September 27 - Arachnid Space Biped + Multiple arms/wings:
September 28 - Microsopic Mythological Quad + 2 arms/wings:

September 29 - Deepsea Mammal Biped + Multiple arms/wings:

September 30 - Arachnid Mammal Biped + Multiple arms/wings:
and to end I illustrated one of these:

Looking back at the images, and the experience, I really want and I think need to improve at each step of the initial tutorial, starting with the thumbnails, which is a challenge I will set for October.  In terms of the challenge I certainly believe that its been of great benefit, even if just motivating me to spending that time just on development rather on a particular project.

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